A Baltic Council a Daily News Hungary és a Helló Magyar oldalakon!
Partnereink, a Daily News Hungary és a Helló Magyar oldalán minden hónapban cikk jelenik meg a Baltic Council aktuális tevékenységéről. Az első megjelent írás részletei az alábbiakban olvashatók angol nyelven:
Baltic Council for International Education (BCIE) has been a leading education abroad company since its foundation 27 years ago in the Baltic States. BC started out in Latvia as a family business – founded by Evgeni and Olga Govor, and since then has developed to be one of the biggest study abroad agencies in Europe with more than 1000 partner institutions all over the world. Contrary to its name, it does not only operate in the Baltics – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -, but also in Poland, Italy and since March 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
But what exactly does being an education abroad agency mean? Programmes the Baltic Council offers cover all aspects of the education-abroad industry, including language camps and courses, secondary education, as well as college, undergraduate and post-graduate university degrees all around the world. When it comes to studying abroad, whatever your goal is, Baltic Council is there for you to help you walk through the entire process – from choosing the right destination and programme, until you are ready to pack your suitcase and leave.
If you are dreaming of studying abroad, you can first register for a free consultation, where the experienced study abroad advisors tell you all you need to know about studies in a foreign country. They will help you choose the right destination, university programme or language course; they will also provide support writing a motivational letter, a personal statement and a CV, following deadlines, uploading the documents on the right portals, and they will even give you advice on scholarships, student loans, health insurance, accommodation and all the practical aspects of going abroad to study.
The reason why BC is special is that their work is based on personal experience. All the managers have studied abroad, and hold university degrees from all around the world, thus having extensive first-hand knowledge and experience in applying and studying abroad. What is more, counsellors visit new and established partner institutions every year, as well as participate in agent conferences and fam-trips organized by schools and universities to have the personal experience they need to be able to recommend a school. At BC the top priority is the student; their dreams, aspirations and expectations, while only working together with the best, top-ranking institutions. Our goal is to find the best fit institution for our students.
A cikk folytatása ITT olvasható angolul, a Helló Magyar oldalán pedig magyar nyelven.
A Baltic Council webináriumairól, IELTS felkészítő tanfolyamairól, rendezvényeiről, nyári tevékenységiről, külföldre szervezett nyári táborokról és élményekről további cikkek olvashatók a Daily News Hungary és a Helló Magyar oldalakon!

Partnereink, a Daily News Hungary és a Helló Magyar oldalán minden hónapban cikk jelenik meg a Baltic Council aktuális tevékenységéről. Az első megjelent írás részletei az alábbiakban olvashatók angol nyelven:
Baltic Council for International Education (BCIE) has been a leading education abroad company since its foundation 27 years ago in the Baltic States. BC started out in Latvia as a family business – founded by Evgeni and Olga Govor, and since then has developed to be one of the biggest study abroad agencies in Europe with more than 1000 partner institutions all over the world. Contrary to its name, it does not only operate in the Baltics – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -, but also in Poland, Italy and since March 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
But what exactly does being an education abroad agency mean? Programmes the Baltic Council offers cover all aspects of the education-abroad industry, including language camps and courses, secondary education, as well as college, undergraduate and post-graduate university degrees all around the world. When it comes to studying abroad, whatever your goal is, Baltic Council is there for you to help you walk through the entire process – from choosing the right destination and programme, until you are ready to pack your suitcase and leave.
If you are dreaming of studying abroad, you can first register for a free consultation, where the experienced study abroad advisors tell you all you need to know about studies in a foreign country. They will help you choose the right destination, university programme or language course; they will also provide support writing a motivational letter, a personal statement and a CV, following deadlines, uploading the documents on the right portals, and they will even give you advice on scholarships, student loans, health insurance, accommodation and all the practical aspects of going abroad to study.
The reason why BC is special is that their work is based on personal experience. All the managers have studied abroad, and hold university degrees from all around the world, thus having extensive first-hand knowledge and experience in applying and studying abroad. What is more, counsellors visit new and established partner institutions every year, as well as participate in agent conferences and fam-trips organized by schools and universities to have the personal experience they need to be able to recommend a school. At BC the top priority is the student; their dreams, aspirations and expectations, while only working together with the best, top-ranking institutions. Our goal is to find the best fit institution for our students.
A cikk folytatása ITT olvasható angolul, a Helló Magyar oldalán pedig magyar nyelven.
A Baltic Council webináriumairól, IELTS felkészítő tanfolyamairól, rendezvényeiről, nyári tevékenységiről, külföldre szervezett nyári táborokról és élményekről további cikkek olvashatók a Daily News Hungary és a Helló Magyar oldalakon!